Employee Verification

Know Your Employees

Verify employee information like PAN, Bank, and Aadhar using Runtime HRMS's in-built employee verification system.

* 7-day free trial. No credit card required.

Employee Verification in Runtime HRMS
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How Verification Works?

Runtime HRMS integrates with various government authorized APIs to verify employee information

  • Bank Verification

    Enter IFSC and account number to validate account details

  • Aadhar Verification

    Enter Aadhar to verify name as per Aadhar using OTP

  • PAN Verification

    Enter PAN number to verify record as per PAN database.

Abstract Graphic - Notification

Verifications require credits!

Check our Addons to learn more about Credits.

Why Verification is Important?

Increases Trust

Verified employee information increases trust factor between employee and employer and promotes transparency.

Prevent Frauds

Ensuring employee's authenticity is important for any organization to prevent situtations of fraud and cheating.

Accurate Salary Transfers

Verifying bank details make sure that salary is credited to correct account and avoid financial losses to business.

Proper Tax Credits

A verified PAN ensures that deductions like TDS are credited to correct PAN account and the tax payer gets rightful credit.

Ready to Try?

7-day free trial. No credit card required.